Over the past 5 years or more, there has been a steady and significant decrease in NASA's laboratory capabilities, including equipment, maintenance, and facility upgrades. This adversely affects the support of NASA's scientists, who rely on these capabilities, as well as NASA's ability to make the basic scientific and technical contributions that others depend on for programs of national importance. The fundamental research community at NASA has been severely impacted by the budget reductions that are responsible for this decrease in laboratory capabilities, and as a result NASA's ability to support even NASA's future goals is in serious jeopardy.
Table of Contents
Front Matter
1 Introduction
2 Assessment Methodology
3 Support for Fundamental Research at NASA
4 Aeronautics Research
5 Space and Earth Science Research
6 Findings and Recommendations
Appendix A: Statement of Task
Appendix B: Technology Readiness Level Descriptions
Appendix C: Subcommittee Members
Appendix D: Laboratories and Facilities Visited by the Committee
Appendix E: Biographies of the Committee Members
Appendix F: Acronyms
Appendix G: List of Questions Sent to NASA Centers