Since the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, many in the New York City area have become concerned about the possible consequences of a similar attack on the Indian Point nuclear power plants—located about 40 miles from Manhattan, and have made calls for their closure. Any closure, however, would require actions to replace the 2000 MW of power supplied by the plants. To examine this issue in detail, the Congress directed DOE to request a study from the NRC of options for replacing the power. This report presents detailed review of both demand and supply options for replacing that power as well as meeting expected demand growth in the region. It also assesses institutional considerations for these options along with their expected impacts. Finally, the report provides an analysis of scenarios for implementing the replacement options using simulation modeling.Table of Contents
Front Matter
Abstract, Summary, and Findings
1 Introduction
2 Demand Side Options
3 Generation and Transmission Options
4 Institutional Considerations and Changing Impacts
5 Analysis of Options for Meeting Electrical Demand
Appendix A Committee Biographical Information
Appendix B Presentations and Committee Meetings
Appendix C Acronyms
Appendix D Supply Technologies
Appendix E Paying for Reliability in Deregulated Markets
Appendix F Background for the System Reliability and Cost Analysis
Appendix G Demand-Side Measures