Fractions, decimals, integers … can children gain a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts, develop better math skills, and have fun? Absolutely!
This collection of games for children in third through fifth grade proves it. Games are organized in each chapter from simplest to more advanced, and many have variations that change the rules of play or make it more challenging once the basic game is mastered. Math games keep children engaged while providing the enormous amounts of practice they need to learn new concepts and math facts. Designed for use in the classroom and at home, the book includes access to downloadable More4U materials such as ten-frame cards, game boards, and recording sheets. And all the games are correlated to the Common Core State Standards.
Math educators know and research shows that games have many benefits. Math games increase curiosity and motivation; allow for cooperative learning opportunities; reinforce mathematical learning and skills; build strategy and reasoning know-how; teach life skills; and reduce math anxiety.
There are games for many topics:
simple addition
place value
multidigit addition
rounding numbers
multiple operations