Electric power is essential for the lives and livelihoods of all Americans, and the need for electricity that is safe, clean, affordable, and reliable will only grow in the decades to come. At the request of Congress and the Department of Energy, the National Academies convened a committee of experts to undertake a comprehensive evaluation of the U.S. grid and how it might evolve in response to advances in new energy technologies, changes in demand, and future innovation.
The Future of Electric Power in the United States presents an extensive set of policy and funding recommendations aimed at modernizing the U.S. electric system. The report addresses technology development, operations, grid architectures, and business practices, as well as ways to make the electricity system safe, secure, sustainable, equitable, and resilient.
Table of Contents
Front Matter
1 Introduction: Framing the Issues
2 Drivers of Change
3 Legal and Regulatory Issues That Shape the Electric System
4 The Persistent Underinvestment in Electric Power Innovation
5 Technologies and Tools to Enable a Range of Future Power Systems
6 Creating a More Secure and Resilient Power System
7 High-Level Needs and Specific Recommendations
Appendix A: Statement of Task
Appendix B: Committee Biographical Information
Appendix C: Disclosure of Conflict(s) of Interest
Appendix D: Committee Activities
Appendix E: Workshop Summary - Communications, Cyber Resilience, and the Future of the U.S. Electric Power System
Appendix F: Workshop Summary - Models to Inform Planning for the Future of Electric Power in the U.S.
Appendix G: Acronyms