The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs provide federal research and development funding to small businesses. In 2008, the National Research Council completed a comprehensive assessment of the SBIR and STTR programs. The first-round study found that the programs were "sound in concept and effective in practice." Building on the outcomes from the Phase I study, this second phase examines both topics of general policy interest that emerged during the first phase and topics of specific interest to individual agencies, and provides a second snapshot to measure the program's progress against its legislative goals.
Table of Contents
Front Matter
1 Introduction
2 NIH Program Management
3 Program Initiatives at NIH
4 SBIR and STTR Awards at NIH
5 Quantitative Outcomes
6 Participation of Women and Minorities
7 Insights from Case Studies and Survey Responses
8 Findings and Recommendations
Appendix A: Overview of Methodological Approaches, Data Sources, and Survey Tools
Appendix B: Major Changes to the SBIR Program Resulting from the 2011 SBIR Reauthorization Act, P.L. 112-81, December 2011
Appendix C: National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine 2014 SBIR/STTR Survey
Appendix D: Research Institutions (RIs) Working on NIH SBIR/STTR Awards
Appendix E: Case Studies
Appendix F: Glossary
Appendix G: Bibliography