The Update to the Strategic Plan (USP) is a supplement to the Ten-Year Strategic Plan of the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) completed in 2012. The Strategic Plan sets out a research program guiding thirteen federal agencies in accord with the Global Change Research Act of 1990. This report reviews whether USGCRP's efforts to achieve its goals and objectives, as documented in the USP, are adequate and responsive to the Nation's needs, whether the priorities for continued or increased emphasis are appropriate, and if the written document communicates effectively, all within a context of the history and trajectory of the Program.
Table of Contents
Front Matter
Chapter 1: Introduction and Overview
Chapter 2: Setting Priorities for Global Change Research
Chapter 3: Science Focus and Scope
Chapter 4: Review of Decision Suppor tObjectives and Plans
Chapter 5: Concluding Comments
Appendix A: Statement of Task for This Report
Appendix B: Overall Charge for the Advisory Committee to the U.S. Global Change Research Program
Appendix C: Committee Biographies
Appendix D: Line-by-line Comments Submitted by Committee Members
Appendix E: Goals and Objectives in the 2012 USGCRP Strategic Plan