The vast and mysterious world of criminals, from ancient times through the twenty-first century, is vividly captured in The Great Pictorial History of World Crime. This unique reference work chronicles every major criminal act from every era. A definitive reference source to worldwide crime, this survey is organized into sixteen chapters:
·Celebrity Slayings
·Organized Crime
·Mass Murder
·Secret Criminal Societies
·Serial Killers
·Unsolved Homicides
Each chapter begins with an essay that introduces the topic and provides a concise overview of the historical, social, and political significance of the crime. Subjects are further developed crime by crime through descriptive entries covering the criminal acts, modus operandi, criminal background information, and motives, along with insightful anecdotes.
In addition to being a being a vital and informative historical and sociological reference work, The Great Pictorial History of World Crime features more than 2,500 illustrations. More than a chronicle of chilling events, these two volumes provide gripping reading for anyone interested in true crime, law enforcement, criminology, and criminal justice.