Categorizing the centrality of foreign policy decision-making as being intrinsic to external relations, China and India are evolving new methodologies enriching the making of foreign policy. In comparison to works on China's foreign policy decision-making, India has not been studied much. Decision-making in Foreign Policy and India-China Bilateral Relations explains theoretical frameworks influencing decision makers with examples of the two countries and their decision-making regarding other countries and concerning issues with global impact.
The book argues that climate change is a factor convincing both countries to look beyond established shibboleths. It shows how the United States and neighbours such as Taiwan and Sri Lanka are vectors influencing foreign policies with choices and options for decision makers to implement. It unravels the inconsistencies in the policymaking processes in both countries. Discussing cooperation and possible conflict in the India-China bilateral afresh, the book introduces a new perspective to discussion on foreign policy decision-making.