In the war-torn world of Emeshreen, a young captain named Nove is found covered in blood. His entire army lies fallen in the surrounding lands of the forbidden East. A simple package lies in the sand behind him. A retrieval team led by Lya, the magus, discovers a distraught Nove unable to speak of what happened to him and his army. Lya and his team are anxious to learn whether The Package is truly the legendary weapon to end the wars that never cease in Emeshreen. Meanwhile, even the skilled healer Vendine cannot help Nove escape the horrible headaches that plague him every time he attempts to tell his tale. As the journey unfolds, narrated by an angel from above, we enter a tumultuous world of magi, wizards and kings, where Good must fight Evil, and where competing values and principles intertwine amongst each character. The Package is a unique and spellbinding story that resonates strongly with our modern world today.