AIDS poses an unprecedented health and developmental threat the world over including Asia. Ever since it emerged in the early 1980s, it has been spreading rapidly across continents and devastating millions of lives. In the process it has stretched the health-care systems and wrecked the economies and social fabric of many societies. Developing countries, including those in Asia-which has the second highest number of people living with HIV/AIDS-are the most seriously affected. In Asian countries, the problem is compounded by the lack of awareness, poverty, and inadequate funds and infrastructure.
This important and comprehensive volume focuses on the epidemiological and programmatic aspects of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Asia. The contributors discuss the dynamics and determinants of HIV and cover a wide range of pertinent topics related to prevention, care and treatment. These include:
- The health, economic, socio-cultural and security dimensions of HIV/AIDS
- Success stories in HIV prevention and care including 100% condom programme
- Antiretroviral treatment and the "3 by 5" initiative
- Management of HIV and sexually-transmitted infections
- Drug-related HIV
- HIV vaccine development
- The role of NGOs
- Country-specific HIV reports
The contributors highlight the lessons learned in Asia in responding to the challenge posed by HIV and the success achieved by many countries. In addition to HIV prevention, facilitating access to care-including antiretroviral treatment-despite the many problems is now a matter of crucial importance. Scaling up of innovative approaches proven effective elsewhere is also a matter of great urgency.
This volume will be invaluable for all those engaged in combating HIV throughout the world. In particular, it will be of immense use to all those involved in HIV/AIDS control programmes, public health professionals, health care workers, policy makers, health administrators, as also international agencies and NGOs and community-based organizations.