Ask any Christian and he or she will agree that Luther's 95 Theses lit the match that became a worldwide fire. Yet, almost none have actually read the Theses! This short book gives all 95 Theses in list form, a chapter on what each Thesis said with a critical analysis, plus an after-word about their impact on the world. If you think Luther condemned Indulgences - read this book! If you think he condemned the popes - think again! If you think he pinned his Theses to the church door as an act of defiance or as a rebel - this book will dissuade you! In short, at the time he wrote the Theses, he merely wanted fellow academics to join a discussion - he had no intention of lighting a fire that rocked the medieval world! See for yourself what the 95 Theses REALLY were - you might be very surprised. The author has reduced the number of Theses to about 15 - whereas the original German version reduced them to 20. You will see why.