This book could have been ten times longer, but it serves the purpose of introducing Christians to the truth concerning the beginning of the world and the universe. The first three chapters of Genesis describe historical facts, not myths, as the Hebrew texts prove. Most quotes are by scientists. Evolutionists jealously guard their failed hypothesis, because, as they say, they "cannot let God get a foothold in science." In itself this is an admission of anxiety, that truth will one day be shown... and it is NOT found in scientism, which is the fake version of science. There are absolutely NO proofs for evolution. But, how many know this? Evolutionists are so scared of this truth getting out they will resort to legal restraints!! They are so afraid, they enforce evolution-only in schools by intimidation and false science, and denigrate students in universities for daring to question evolutionary orthodoxy. Yet, genuine scientists KNOW evolution is fake! They hate God. That's it!!