The Lake District has been shaped by ice, with magnificent valleys and mountain sides being scraped away by huge glaciers. One of the results we can still spot today are tarns - mountainous lakes carved by the ice sheets that still hold water and centre stage in a formidable view. Of all the many tarns in the Lake District, it's the ones that are out of reach which provide the greatest thrill to walk to. These `Secret Tarns,' which cannot be seen by roads and often require a challenging walk to stroll to access, are hidden away and often you only become aware of them then at the last minute. In this book, there are 25 walks to
Secret Tarns in the Lake District, each one providing you with a challenging and rewarding walk, along with an enviable view. Visiting all 25 will take you to remote corners of the Lake District and help you to broaden your horizons to appreciate the things initially hidden from view.