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A fully updated guide to no-dig engineering and trenchless technologyThis thoroughly revised reference covers the latest techniques and materials for high-demand trenchless technology in underground projects. Written by recognized experts in the field,
Trenchless Technology: Pipeline and Utility Design, Construction, and Renewal, Second Edition offers clear explanations of the full range of trenchless technologies and pertinent regulations. You will get complete details on new tools, techniques, and analysis methods and discover how to choose between them. The information contained in this guide can save you thousands of dollars in costs and weeks of surface disruptions.
Coverage includes:
- Planning and design considerations for trenchless construction and renewal methods
- Pipe materials
- Horizontal auger boring
- Pipe ramming
- Pipe/box jacking
- Pilot Tube Microtunneling
- Utility tunneling
- Direct Pipe
- Horizontal directional drilling
- Cured-in-place and close-fit pipes
- Sliplining and in-line replacements
- Lateral renewal and localized repairs
- Modified sliplining
- Spray applied pipe lining
- Sewer manhole renewal
- Thermoformed pipe
- Innovative applications