Operation Research (OR) though started as a science to allocate and control the scarce military resources during World War II. It has now become an important part of managerial decision-making process. In many universities, Or has been introduce as core subject in some graduate and postgraduate programmes. It has been establish that many decisions which are otherwise very cumbersome are now made easy with the techniques of OR. Even for the best managers, sometime it is very difficult to make decisions in a growing complex business environment. OR has made the decision-making processes easier that lead to better utilization of scarce resources and thus growth and prosperity of an organization.
All the Important OR topics are covered and it is hoped that this book will be very handy and useful to the B.E./B.Tech.,M.B.A. and other UG and PG Students, Practising managers and industrial engineers. Varieties of practical problems are presented with solutions. Importance has been given to the requirement of students by taking all precautions and all the problems that a student may face while studying the subjects.