In Rounding Third and Heading Home, business owners get a firsthand look at the many components that go into the sale of their business from someone who has actually gone through it—including what to do, and what not to do.
Selling a business is likely to be the biggest deal of one’s career. Since it is so important to get it right, there is very little tolerance for error. In Rounding Third and Heading for Home, business owners find real-life stories, practical strategies, and hard-won insights from a veteran entrepreneur to help them “touch all the bases” and achieve the success that they’ve always dreamed of.
Rounding Third and Heading for Home shares the many components that go into the sale of a business from someone who has actually gone through it. Throughout its pages, business owners learn:
Why it is so important to sell a business when it’s ready, and not when they’re ready
What really builds value in their business
The steps of the acquisition process
How to prepare their company for the sale
How to run a business when they’re actively trying to sell it
Many more lessons learned from starting and growing a tech company over the course of twenty years