Pro NetBeans IDE 6 Rich Client Platform Edition is the second Apress book to cover the agile, open source NetBeans IDE platform. The book focuses on the new features of NetBeans 6 as well as what has changed since NetBeans 5.5, empowering you to be a more effective and productive developer.
Enables you to click and use any of the Java Swing and other desktop Java graphical user interface (GUI) APIs available in Java SE 6 or prior
Covers working with rich client platform features available in NetBeans for building web–based application front ends
Shows you the web–tier development plug-ins available including JSF, Struts Action Framework 2.0, and JRuby for bringing the Ruby on Rails feature set to Java via NetBeans
For building back–end, server–side Java applications, pick up Pro NetBeans IDE 5.5 Enterprise Edition, which is based on APIs found in the Java EE 5.