Social networking attacks are growing at an alarming rate. According to Symantec Internet Threat Report, over 95% of the top 25 threats required user interaction and spread through social means, which is bad news for the end-user and security professionals. Companies and end-users have a new attack vector to secure and that is the social network. Social networks like Facebook, LinkedIn and MySpace are used by over 350 million people, and often while they are in the workplace, both for work and play. This book delves into the current hot attacks that are being used by hackers to gain access to personal and company information and how security professionals can defend against them. The author fully details Web 2.0 attacks such as evil twin attacks, URL shortening attacks and micro-information leakage attacks. User vulnerabilities are exposed like the use of language patterns as well as writing tone and technical vulnerabilities are revealed such as XSS and XSRF as well as attacks against structural elements such as APTs, Flash and Java. The fast growing and newest addition to social networks, the microblogging site such as Twitter are also examined as are e-mail and instant messaging attacks. The in-depth coverage in this book is invaluable to penetration testers, security consultants, and sys/net admins.
- The most up-to-date book on how attacks are propagated on Facebook, LinkedIn, and MySpace
- Details how to secure yourself and your company from attacks via Twitter and other microblogging sites
- Breaks down the anatomy of evil twin attacks, micro-information attacks, and social ad attacks