He was just a kid when he first broke the surly bonds of earth. Bitten by the freedom of flight bug on his fifth birthday, Ralph Parr had what seemed like a never-ending horizon in front of him. Thankfully, his parents instilled in him a strong moral compass and the willingness to work, thus framing a young man with an extraordinary goal-oriented personality, traits that would pay off like the lottery years later. Even save his life! Ralph learned many attributes during his adolescent years, but his learning curve was pulled into the vertical when he joined the United States Air Force after the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. Nobody knew then that he would distinguish himself during a 34-year career by flying combat missions during WWII, Korean War (where he was a Double Ace), and Vietnam War. When undaunted adversity and life-threatening events collide, On Parr divulges how this true American Patriot digs deep, rises to the top, and perseveres. You'll absorb the effects of his red stripe and many life lessons including his "short string" concept.