A truck rumbling by to deliver the mail,
a silvery cart with hot pretzels for sale,
and stacks of brown packages hauled up the stairs...
Some shapes in the city are...
on-the-go squares!
City Shapes is an ode to city life, depicted from the points of view of a young girl walking through her neighborhood and a bird flying high above, both spotting dazzling shapes in every scene they pass. From the shimmering skyscrapers to the bustling marketplace, the kites flying free in the sunlight to the stars shining bright at night, everyday scenes become extraordinary.
Diana Murray's playful and poetic verse encourages readers to look for shapes everywhere, noticing the hidden details in even the simplest of scenes around them every day. And Bryan Collier's beautiful illustrations add even more layers to the cityscapes, letting readers get immersed in the hustle and bustle, culminating in a thrilling twist when the girl looks through her kaleidoscope and sees the skyline in a completely new way. A celebration of finding magic in scenes both new and familiar, City Shapes has the potential to become a classic.
Illustrated by: Bryan Collier