This book deals with major issues related to hand- and ox-drawn farm implements for different farming systems and ecological areas in Tanzania. It is based on field visits in some ten Tanzanian regions. The study may shed some light on the relative importance of problems related to production and distribution of basic farm implements as an element of the crisis. The study includes a survey of the types of farm implements used and preferred by Tanzanian peasants. The structure and conditions of the different levels of production and repair of farm implements in Tanzania, village blacksmiths, small-, medium- and large-scale production, are investigated. The field survey undertaken also provides the basis for establishing demand estimates for most hand- and ox-drawn implements in Tanzania. The structure and functioning of the distribution system for farm implements are also analyzed.
The study is concerned about ways and means to assist and improve critical activities of peasant farming in Tanzania, including supply of relevant implements, raw materials for local village production and repair of implements, and how to improve village connected transport through increased production of good quality ox-carts.