Coinage of the American Confederation Period
A collection of papers from the Coinage of the Americas Conference (COAC) held in 1995. Contents : The American Confederation: The Times and its Money, The English George III Contemporary Counterfeit Halfpenny: A Statistical Study of Production and Distribution, The Shipwreck of the Faithful Steward : A "Missing Link" in the Export of British and Irish Halfpence, New Thoughts on the Nova Constellatio Private Copper Coinage, Vermont Coppers: Coinage of an Independent Republic, The So-Called Atlee Broken "A" Letter Punch, Coinage During the Confederation: Two Near Misses for Matthew Boulton, Coinage Featuring George Washington, and Medals of the Comitia Americana Series in the Collections of the American Numismatic Society and the Other Public Institutions.