The Moss-PAS (ID) provides a wide-spectrum mental health assessment primarily designed for clients who have limited language or reduced cognitive development. It is not a screening tool, but is a sophisticated assessment that uses a glossary of symptom definitions to guide the coding. Precise definitions of symptom severities give a high level of reliability, making it an excellent choice for measuring change, for example in response to treatment. Information from the Moss-PAS (ID) is also ideal for providing precise information on symptoms when conducting a full case formulation and diagnosis. The Moss-PAS (ID) can be used by staff who do not have a background in psychiatry or psychology. However, all users should receive appropriate training (available from Steve Moss,
The Moss-PAS (ID) can be used to collect symptom information directly from an informant via a semi-structured interview procedure, or can be completed by trained staff members on the basis of knowledge already possessed about the individual. The glossary definitions appears adjacent to their relevant interview questions, making it easy for the interviewer to keep the guidelines in mind while conducting the conversation. Question wordings have been refined over many years to provide a flexible yet precise and economical way of guiding the interviewer to determine presence and severity of symptoms.
Updated from the original Mini PAS-ADD, the Moss-PAS (ID) score form enables two different clinical episodes to be rated on the same form. This is important if the person has a fluctuating mood disorder, or if it is otherwise suspected that the individual has changed significantly from one time period to another.