This book is aimed at researchers in education who are looking for the take up of bold visions in educational research through visual, digital and spatial knowing. Drawing from research conducted by experienced researchers and graduate students in Australia, through visual methods the book presents work that is at the forefront of working with innovative qualitative research methodologies theoretically and practically. The book shows the possibilities, problems and researcher responses to working with image through complex theoretical territory such as Actor network theory, Deleuzian theory, feminist and poststructuralist methods, positioning theory and narrative theory. All chapters have in common, a response to issues that broadly can be defined as the issues of education that prove to be deep seated and troubling and show a concern for critically orientated scholarship. The book moves across the stages of education from early childhood, middle years, secondary schooling to higher education. A provocative and lively introduction frames the field of visual methods for education resarchers. With visualtiy in mind, issues such as researcher and participant identity, what is contributed or lost when we democratise the research process and ethial issues of working globally are discussed. By getting underneath the cover story of educational research, the contribution is an accessible and concise account of educational research that confronts current issues of curriculum and pedagogy and is useful for those new to qualitative research and visual methods.