How does one explain death to a child? Even for the adult, death is a mystery. We understand its physical reality but we do not comprehend its deeper meaning. We have never experienced what happens after death occurs, so how can we explain it to a child?
Children's author Kevin Morrison was faced with that dilemma when his aunt died and he brought his son to the funeral. When he tried to explain death, he remembered a scripture from John's Gospel: "Amen, amen, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains just a grain of wheat; but if it dies, it produces much fruit" (John 12:24).
Kevin pictured a garden where many souls had been planted by the Gardener. They had become full of life and as beautiful as flowers that will never wither die. Thus God's Garden was born, a lovely book which is not only comforting to children but to adults as well. God's Garden is a gentle story that reveals the glorious transformation that death brings.