Vanessa Blackson has the kind of soul that everyone loves instantly. She has the support of her family and friends and the career she always wanted. Most of all she marries the man sheas always loved. Sounds too good to be true. Well, after loving him too much, for too long, she becomes content instead of happy. Vanessa knows her husband loves her but he just doesnat show it. At least, not enough for her. And after all of the years theyave been together, she gets tired of asking him. After tragedy strikes close to home, she goes on a quest to find the true Vanessa that seemed to be dying inside. During her travels, she succumbs to uninhibited desires, some of which bring her past to the future. That apasta would be in the form of a long-lost friend who rekindles feelings that Vanessa was not aware existed. Little did she know that these unexpected pleasures came with more than she bargained for. Confirming her beliefa]everything happens for a reason.