With up-to-date demographic and diagnostic information, Violent Young Children demonstrate the most useful clinical and programmatic approaches for professionals and students working with violent children and their families. Vast data related to school violence, treatment, and prevention, as well as a number of case studies showing early violence and its continuation through the life cycle, mark the early signs of violence in children and show how appropriate diagnosis and treatment can limit and prevent the continuation of violent behavior into adulthood. Case studies and analyses in every chapter help students and professionals understand violent child behavior, its origins, and its most effective treatments, while diagnostic material throughout the text helps clinicians use DMS-IV to make the most accurate diagnosis of children involved in early childhood violence. A unique biographical case written by an adult about his violent behavior at age six allows clinicians to view the origins and severe impact of violence throughout the life cycle, and current demographic data about violent behavior in children alerts students and professionals to the extent of violence and when it is most likely to occur.