From the history of state terrorism in Latin America, to state- and group-perpetrated plunder and genocide in Africa, to war and armed conflicts in the Middle East, militarization--the heightened role of organized aggression in society--continues to painfully shape the lives of millions of people around the world.In Security Disarmed, scholars, policy planners, and activists come together to think critically about the human cost of violence and viable alternatives to armed conflict. Arranged in four parts--alternative paradigms of security, cross-national militarization, militarism in the United States, and pedagogical and cultural concerns--the book critically challenges militarization and voices an alternative encompassing vision of human security by analyzing the relationships among gender, race, and militarization. This collection of essays evaluates and resists the worldwide crisis of militarizationùincluding but going beyond American military engagements in the twenty-first century.
Contributions by: Katherine T McCaffrey, Gwyn Kirk, Barbara Lee, Lynn Stephen, Roksana Bahramitash, Teresia Teaiwa, Patricia McFadden, Bonnie Mann, Leonard Feldman, Karen Houippert, Catherine Lutz, Janell Hobson, Cindy Sousa, Ron Smith, Simona Sharoni