The Modern Law of Trade Marks is a comprehensive guide on trade mark law enabling practitioners to provide clients with effective advice with the best possible support and authority. It includes detailed analysis of important UK and European legislation and decisions, in-depth commentary on the complexities of the Trade Marks Act 1994 and the Madrid Protocol and the CTM Regulation.
All aspects of registered trade marks are included, together with information on applications, registration, protections and infringement. Divided into seven parts, key topics covered are: Background to the Law; Registered Marks; Passing Off; Civil Proceedings; Customs and Criminal Offences; International Treaties; and the Community Trade Mark.
Major changes to be covered by the new edition include:
* New ('recast') Trade Mark Directive, which covers new matters not included in the original Directive, e.g. some procedural matters
* Amended Community Trade Mark Regulation - among likely changes are measures to assist trade mark owners to combat dealings in counterfeit goods
* Enhanced OHIM guidelines
* A considerable number of pertinent decisions, of the CJEU and GC, as well as UK Courts, in trade marks cases - including Specsavers and Asos
* The law in relation to surveys, including the M&S case and other key decisions