This book gathers the proceedings of a symposium on Dynamics of satellites which took place in Prague in May 1969 during the twelfth COSPAR meeting. This symposium was sponsored by the International Astronomical Union, the International Association of Geodesy, the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics and COSPAR (Committee on Space Research). The organizing committee was composed of Dr. KOVALEVSKY chair man, Dr. Yu. V. BATRAKOV representing IAU, Dr. A. H. COOK for lAG, Dr. D. KING-HELE for COSPAR, Prof. M. Roy for IUTAM and Dr. ROSENBERG. I wish to take advantage of the opportunity to thank, on behalf of all the participants, the organizing committee members, Prof. BUCHAR, Dr. RAJSK:I and Dr. SEHNAL, for the kindness and efficiency of their welcome. The interpreters who translated with virtuosity during the whole symposium also deserve our gratitude. I am grateful also for the care and skill with which Springer-Verlag has printed this volume.