Following the collapse of the former regimes of Eastern and Central Europe and Latin America the choice of all of the democratising countries was to move towards liberal democracy. Likewise in Africa, many authoriatarian regimes seem to be in retreat, perhaps most significantly in South Africa. Democracy seems to be the only valued political system of the late twentieth century, so that even China for example, describes itself as the people's democratic dictatorship. So have we really, as Francis Fukuyama suggested, reached the end of history? Should we not look seriously at the tension between liberalism and democracy which have led to dissatisfaction with the liberal model in countries such as Britain and France? Is it not important to discuss the real problems of stabilisation and survival which the democratising countries are experiencing? This timely collection examines questions of central concern to scholars and practitioners of politics. It looks at both the concept of democracy and the process of democratisation, combining theoretical chapters by historians of ideas and political theorists, with empirical chapters on the process of democratisation in Eastern Europe, China, The Middle East and Latin America, as well as in established democracies such as Britain and France.