"Who says exercise is good for one's health? Certainly not Polly Dent! """ "Polly Dent Loses Grip "on the treadmill and takes a fatal spill that's ruled an accident. While helping her mother-in-law move into Bridgeton Towers Assisted Living & Nursing, LaTisha Barnhart's nose smells trouble simmering. The residents' gossip is revealing all kinds of motives for murder.Gertrude Herrman is out looking for love in the form of Thomas Philcher (or is it love of his fat wallet instead?), and Polly's fall eliminates Gertrude's competition once and for all.Otis Payne, the venerable director of Bridgeton Towers, is over a barrel when his wife demands cash--or else she'll carry on without him. Mitzi Mullins's penchant for rhyme puts her in direct line as perpetrator of the crime, and Sue Mie's mistake seals Polly's fate.Can LaTisha stay on her achin' feet, and one step ahead of the villain, long enough to solve yet another crime?