Visions of Culture: A Reader, Second Edition, has been revised and expanded with new selections and is coordinated for use with Visions of Culture: An Introduction to Anthropological Theories and Theorists, Fifth Edition. Each selection is prefaced with a brief introduction about the anthropologist and the text. Each primary text is followed by a section titled “Queries and Connections,” a series of questions designed to help students focus on the central issues in each text and to relate them to other readings.
Part VII: Neo-Darwinian Evolutionary Theories
25: Leda Cosmides and John Toobey, from The Evolutionary Primer
26: Eric Alden Smith, from Why Do Good Hunters Have Higher Reproductive Success?
27. Robert Boyd and Peter Richerson, from “Introduction” from The Origin and Evolution of Culture
Part VIII—The Ontological Turn
28: Philippe Descola, from Beyond Nature and Culture
29: Tim Ingold, from Anthropology beyond Humanity
30: Bruno Latour, from “Introduction” from Reassembling the Social: An Introduction to Actor-Network-Theory