ZVR: This Means War! takes IDW's splatterific Zombie vs Robots
comic book series - created by writer Chris Ryall and artist Ashley Wood
- and expands it in ways that will redefine both zombie and robot fiction.
A shambling cohort of top horror and fantasy writers from across the globe have
devoted themselves to making evocative word-pictures in your brain of this
delicious cult series.
Featuring the Brain-Eating Talents of (in alphabetical order) Jesse
Bullington (The Sad Tale of the Brothers Grossbart, The Enterprise of
Death), Nancy Collins (Sonja Blue, Swamp Thing, Vamps),
Lincoln Crisler (Despairs & Delights, Magick & Misery),
Brea Grant (Dexter), Robert Hood (Immaterial), Nicholas Kaufmann
(Chasing the Dragon), James A. Moore (Vendetta), Norman Prentiss
(Invisible Fences), Rachel Swirsky (The Lady Who Plucked Red Flowers
Beneath the Queen's Window), Steve Rasnic (Bram Stoker Award Winner),
Rio Youers (End Times), and Jeff Conner (editor/World Fantasy Award