Now in a new edition, Speaking of Sexuality: Interdisciplinary Readings remains the most comprehensive, research-oriented, and interdisciplinary sexuality anthology available. Edited by a team of highly acclaimed professionals, this edition retains the same framework as its predecessors: sexual health. Its guiding principle is that a healthy sexual script should be a realistic goal for everyone, because sexuality is an inseparable part of an individual's
persona from birth until death.Speaking of Sexuality, Third Edition, presents leading classic and contemporary works in sexuality research and theory along with in-depth articles about timely issues
from the popular media. The book chapters and journal articles, which have been carefully edited to make them accessible yet still rigorous, are enhanced by detailed part openers and chapter lead-ins that provoke critical thinking and class discussions. Incorporating the insights of a new coeditor, psychologist Terri D. Fisher, the third edition offers twenty-eight new book chapters and journal articles and two additional units--"Relationships and Sexuality" and "Sexual Health." This edition
also integrates more selections on race/ethnicity and sexual orientation and additional readings from psychological, anthropological, and feminist perspectives. It covers a host of cutting-edge topics
including asexuality, bisexuality, evolutionary psychology, "hooking up," the medicalization of erectile dysfunction, oral sex, and virginity pledges.Ideal for sexuality courses offered in psychology, sociology, family studies, health education, nursing, women's studies, and social work departments, Speaking of Sexuality, Third Edition, aids students in their quest to better understand their own sexuality and to become more savvy consumers of sexuality-related
materials in the mass media. A revised Instructor's Manual and Test Bank contains a wealth of materials including chapter conclusions available in PowerPoint; multiple-choice, true/false, and essay questions; a
chapter review form; and a list of relevant websites.