This Collector’s Edition includes the book Detroit Disassembled, and this print is signed and numbered by Andrew Moore: Waiting Room with Snowdrift, 2008, Archival inkjet print, 28 x 35.5 cm. The photograph has been printed in 2010 in a limited edition of 50 copies and is housed in a cloth box.
For Andrew Moore, the wonder of Detroit’s transformation is its demonstration of nature’s power to devour, and, through destruction, to renew. He has remarked, “One could say that Detroit has become America’s version of an open city. It’s been left undefended against an onslaught of scrappers, vandals, and the forces of nature. It’s a city of hundreds, if not thousands, of empty homes, apartment buildings, factories, libraries, hospitals, schools, and churches. All are abandoned and most are unguarded, barely salvageable, and slated for demolition that gets delayed year after year.” His depiction of Detroit questions what the changing, precarious future of America holds.