This is an enchanting story of our world in the distant future, where man has had to revert back to how we lived hundreds or even thousands, of years ago. God along with his Goddess (Mother Nature), have watched man over the centuries, as he has wrecked and ravaged the world, pushing it to the limits. The Goddess, with her four Lords of Elements, decide that the earth can take no-more! So, it is declared that they will cleanse the earth, to get rid of the evil destruction of man. Yet, there may be hope for the human race. There are two young adults who are still humble enough to live as God planned, when He first created man. So, with the help of an elfin witch, who lives in a land hidden away from mankind, behind high, protective mountains, these two young people must meet. When they do, their love will fulfil the prophecy, that has been told to the magical creatures for many centuries, bringing a 'New Age', when everyone's lives will change forever.