Kansainvälisessä kommunikoinnissa luotettavuus ja asioiden esittäminen oikealla tavalla ovat äärimmäisen tärkeitä asioita. Modernin, kansainvälisen bisnes-englannin hallitseminen voi myös olla oikotie yrityksesi menestykseen.
Suomalaista yritysjohtoa, myynnin ja markkinoinnin ammattilaisia, assistentteja ja sihteereitä jo vuosikymmenen ajan kouluttanut Colin Moon, COMMUNICATE WITH CONFIDENCE -kirjan tekijä, korostaa luotettavan bisnes-englannin merkitystä yrityksen yhtenä keskeisenä kilpailutekijänä: -When you apply the realistic examples in COMMUNICATE WITH CONFIDENCE you will give yourself a personal competitive advantage. You will be able to get your message across in English in a style which is confident, convincing and credible, says Colin.
COMMUNICATE WITH CONFIDENCE is of practical value to anyone involved in management in today's new business environment. Success in international business depends on the quality of your communication.
COMMUNICATE WITH CONFIDENCE is written in a fresh and informal style and tailor-made to suit the needs of the modern Finnish manager. It is very much a hands-on guide and an excellent resource for managers who wish to improve their communication in English with international customers, clients and colleagues.
COMMUNICATE WITH CONFIDENCE gives you clear, concrete model examples to enable you to be a more effective communicator in a wide range of situations - in writing, by phone and face-to-face.
Colin Moon is an expert communications trainer and an authority on 'international communication'. An experienced speaker, he gives public and in-company lectures, talks and seminars in many European countries. A regular contributor to business magazines in the Nordic countries, Colin Moon has run many training seminars in Finland in both the private and public sectors and in many fields of industry.