* Does the use of ICT benefit primary school children in learning to be literate today?
* How does the use of ICT affect literacy?
* Which teaching and learning practices are most effective when seeking to promote literacy goals through the use of ICT?
This important new text seeks to support school teachers in developing children's literacy skills through the use of information and communication technology. The editor and contributors indicate where we are at present and where we may be going in terms of learning literacy using ICT, basing their findings on research evidence and their own extensive experience in education. Specific chapters deal with literacy learning in schools; national literacy strategies as exemplified within the National Literacy Programme; the effectiveness of software; connections with oracy; and the use of the internet. Whilst the contributors note that ICT has much to offer in terms of providing valuable support to learners, they also stress that the context where this learning takes place is vitally important and that technology alone can never take the place of good classroom practice.