Author Terry Monroe, an intermediary or business broker, provides folksy, no-nonsense advice to business owners on how they can avoid the common pitfalls of selling their businesses while ensuring they get full value from the years of hard work they've put in. Monroe has established, operated, and sold businesses for over thirty years and has owned forty different businesses, including 10 national franchises and a retailer with over 200 retail locations in 27 states and Canada. He stresses that business owners should begin preparing themselves and their businesses early and not think they can just jump into the selling of their business as if they were selling a car or a house.
Information includes how to navigate the process of selling a business from making the initial decision to sell-which is the hardest part of all, according to the author-to getting the business ready, going through due diligence with the buyer, providing the requisite information, and finally hiring a team of experts (attorney, accountant, and broker) to help get to the finish line-the closing.
This book will educate sellers on how to make it through the sale process efficiently and as stress-free as possible, while netting them top dollar for themselves and their family