Phlebotomy: Principles and Practice reviews the roles and responsibilities of the phlebotomist including appropriate interaction with patients and clients, use of medical terminology, awareness of legal aspects of phlebotomy, compliance with safety standards and standard precautions, knowledge of frequently ordered lab tests, the ability to prioritize tasks and schedules, clerical skills, and preparation of blood film slides. This full-color, affordable, and efficient text also covers the fundamentals of the medical laboratory, anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system, infection control, communication skills, use of computer technology and equipment, and special procedures.With helpful tools and appendices including Units of Measurement and Conversion Tables, Common Laboratory Tests, NAACLS Phlebotomy Competencies, Reference Laboratory Values, and a Sample Consent Form, this comprehensive resource is a valuable guide to phlebotomy for health professions students.Instructor Resources: Instructor's Manual, Sample Syllabus, PowerPoint Presentations, Test BankStudent Companion Website includes: Cross Words, Flash Cards, Interactive Glossary, Matching Exercises, Quizzes, Web LinksIndividual access to the Companion Website may be purchased separately under the Resources section below, via the Student Resources tab.Preview Chapters 5, 6, and 7 under the Samples tab below.