To help prioritize among possible investments to improve the resilience of built infrastructure in the Gulf of Mexico region, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine convened a diverse group of experts for a 3-day interactive workshop on November 15, 16, and 18, 2021. This workshop was held as communities surrounding the Gulf continue to experience frequent, destructive disasters, some infrastructure in the region continues to degrade or fail from exceeded capacity and delayed maintenance and replacement, and climate change threatens previously unimagined impacts. The workshop, titled Investing in Resilient Infrastructure in the Gulf of Mexico, demonstrated and refined a process to help inform recommendations for prioritizing infrastructure investments across sectors and anchored in the Gulf region energy industry. This publication summarizes the presentation and discussion of the workshop.
Table of Contents
Front Matter
Part 1 Introduction
Part 2 Project Identification and Prioritization
Part 3 Prioritization Framework
Part 4 Next Steps
Appendix A: Takeaways and Observations by Domain
Appendix B: Complete List of Project Ideas Identified
Appendix C: Prioritization Framework: Research and Rationale
Appendix D: Event Agenda
Appendix E: Biographical Sketches of Speakers and Steering Committee
Appendix F: Event Participants