The field of Concrete Repair and Rehabilitation is gaining importance in view of its positive impacts in terms of socio-economic benefits and environmental sustainability. Due to growing importance of this field, many engineering colleges have included the subject of concrete repair and rehabilitation in the senior undergraduate and postgraduate course curriculums of civil engineering. This book is an earnest attempt to help students of civil engineering in enhancing their understanding and awareness about critical elements of repair and rehabilitation of concrete structure. The content is organised in such a way that it fulfils the academic needs of the students.This text attempts to dovetail all important aspects such as causes of distress, assessment and evaluation of deterioration, techniques for repair and rehabilitation along with selection of repair and rehabilitation materials and other important aspects related to preventive maintenance and rehabilitation/structural safety measures.The primary objective of this textbook is to guide students to:
Understand the underlying causes and types of deterioration in concrete structure
Learn about the field and laboratory testing methods available to evaluate the level of deterioration.
Get well acquainted with options of repair materials and techniques available to address different types of distress in concrete structure.
Grasp the knowledge of available techniques and their application for strengthening existing structural systems.