Michael Modest's
Introduction to Radiative Heat Transfer provides instructors and students a concise, more affordable alternative to the author's comprehensive signature textbook and reference Radiative Heat Transfer while retaining all of the content required for a one-semester senior undergraduate or graduate course on thermal radiation. The book retains the hallmark features of the original, including its excellent writing style with nice historical highlights and clear and consistent notation throughout.
Introduction to Radiative Heat Transfer presents radiative heat transfer and its interactions with other modes of heat transfer in a coherent and integrated manner emphasizing the fundamentals. It includes numerous worked examples, a large number of problems, many based on real world situations, and an up-to-date bibliography.
- Contains curated and respected content from the author's more comprehensive text "Radiative Heat Transfer" but developed specifically for one-semester graduate courses in thermal radiation
- Each chapter shows the development of all analytical methods in substantial detail, and contains a number of examples to show how the developed relations may be applied to practical problems
- Details many computer codes, ranging from basic problem-solving aids to sophisticated research tools, with actual codes provided on a companion website
- Includes extensive solution manual for adopting instructors