What motivates human beings to do evil? Is evil simply the sheer perversedesire to do harm or wrong? Can evil be explained or made intelligible, or does itresist all efforts at comprehension? What atrocities are human beings capable of, and what might God allow to occur? Alan D. Schrift and the contributors to thisengaging and lively volume explore evil from a postmodern perspective. While givingparticular attention to modern evils such as the Holocaust, South African apartheid, the Rwandan genocide, and the events of September 11, 2001, the essays collectedhere cover broad philosophical and religious ground as they illustrate how societydeals with evil. Readers will find new ways to think about the concept of evil anddiscover new tools for sorting out the moral and ethical issues surrounding evil intoday's world.
The contributors are Debra B. Bergoffen, TinaChanter, William E. Connolly, Peter Dews, Martin Beck Matust k, William L. McBride, Robert Meister, Adi Ophir, Robert B. Pippin, Alan D. Schrift, Henry Staten, andEdith Wyschogrod.