The effect of electron beam treatment upon various materials (oxides, sulfides, ceramics, polymers) is studied to clarify the general features of chemical reactions involving surface functional groups in correlation with the processing parameters and optimise the potential applications of electron beam technologies. Particularly, pre-treatment with accelerated electrons under the optimal conditions provides: control of the surface functionality (ratios between various types of Lewis and Brensted sites); improvement of the properties of cements using electron beam modification of fillers and aqueous phase; enhancement of ceramic materials strength by their electron beam modification of fillers and aqueous phase; increase of sorbents activity by electron beam activation to form specific adsorption sites; improvement of ZnS based electroluminescent phosphors due to the modification of their components and raw materials; control of the surface properties of polymers such as poly(ethylene terephthalate) affording their compatibility with other materials. The mechanisms responsible for electron beam induced surface chemical transformations in solids depending on electron beam processing parameters and common features of these reactions for different compounds are revealed on the basis of a thorough surface functionality analysis. The considered data are confirmed by theoretical simulations and supported by the overview of the modern equipment for electron beam processing.