Radio management is no longer the preserve of the a few senior managers in the BBC and the larger commercial radio groups. The boom in small-scale commercial radio, community radio stations, and independent audio production, digital services and web services, internet radio has changed the way new entrants see jobs in radio. . Managing Radio is the first detailed and comprehensive practical guide to the different elements of managing radio stations and the various audio services now available onbeing produced for new media platforms. It covers the management of public service, commercial and community radio stations and the wide range of new DAB, online, web and independent production companies. It is a useful text for students studying the theory and practice of managing radio in the context of the media industries. It is an authoritative voice for people working at all levels of radio who want a good hands-on guide to setting up a station or service from scratch and how to create sustainable radio through managing for profit, public service or for the participation of its audience in all parts of the station. Managing Radio provides useful, practical advice, examples of contemporary radio management practices, and case studies of management in action backed up with references to wider academic reading in Media, Business and Cultural Studies..