Having gained a noticeable integration into the global marketplace, there is a need for the Indian CPSEs to benchmark their management functions with the best practices in the world. Investment in R&D, infusion of technology and innovation are seen as crucial elements in continuing advancement of businesses all over the world.
Against this backdrop, this book takes the reader through the presence and performance of CPSEs in India, reflects India’s position in the international scene and also presents the related literature on technology mapping drawing various perspectives.
Mainly, the book is focussed on technology mapping of the CPSEs in India and has dwelt exhaustively on the R&D scenario in India. R&D functions and technology requirements are unique for every CPSE and the technology management process pertaining CPSEs representing the oil and gas, heavy engineering, medium and light engineering, minerals and metals, electricity transmission, chemicals and pharmaceuticals, fertilisers, contract and construction services, transport and financial services are studied. A reporting framework for technology mapping is also put forth that captures the various elements involved in technology mapping activity.