Nitin Mishra's short novel The Last Wind brings man and nature together. In this process Kumar develops intimacy with a tree. His means of interacting with the tree is flute music. Indeed, the essence of man's ecological connectivity is sound or music, which Mishra uses quite productively. Another dimension of man's relationship with tree is biologism; this feature is addressed even by sculptors who make fixed and petrified forms. But biological entities go livid if the balance is lost. In this literary genre, Mishra has shown that notwithstanding the fixed position of the tree, it is mobile; man, despite his movements, comes to surrender his so-called mobility to the tree where he freezes with his musical instrument. But the ripples of the flute sound are sucked up in the tree's body. Nitin shows this subtle history of human fate positively by showing the sublime aspect of the pure human wish and sacrifice. Prof. Abhi Subedi