This book covers the relevant theory pertaining to the practical examination and hence facilitates a student to organize himself readily for the relevant theoretical sections of practical examination in consultation with a standard textbook.
Following are the different aspects dealt with in the book.
1. Good theoretical knowledge as required for different cases (long and short cases)
2. Ability to recognize the instrument and to know its salient features, indications, methodology of usage, and the specific surgical procedure in which it can be used. The basic details of the main surgical procedures (tonsillectomy, mastoidectomy, septoplasty, adenoidectomy, direct laryngoscopy, oesophagoscopy and bronchoscopy).
3. Ability to recognize and read the X-ray plate.
4. Basic knowledge of the surgical specimen especially that of malignancy larynx, polypoidal mass, malignancy maxilla, sinus tract, etc.
5. Clinical case sheet assessment.